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T-Shirt Designs
Available styles & prices below

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Green June Beetle
(Cotinis nitida)
Rainbow Scarab Beetle
(Phanaeus vindex)
Grapevine Beetle
(Pelidnota punctata)
Eastern Eyed Click Beetle
(Alaus oculatus)
Festive Tiger Beetle
(Cicindela scutellaris unicolor)
Eastern Beach Tiger Beetle
(Habroscelimorpha dorsalis)
Puritan Tiger Beetle
(Cicindela puritana)
Six-spotted Tiger Beetle
(Cicindela sexguttata)
Moderately Smooth Warrior Beetle
(Pasimachus sublaevis)
Reddish-brown Stag Beetle
(Lucanus capreolus)
Reddish-brown Stag Beetle
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